I believe there are two kinds of people - those that see the glass as half full and those that see it as half empty. At different points in our lives, we can change from one to the other - having a great run on life and the glass is half full but once that run ends our perspective is likely to change. At this point in my life, my glass is not only half full but sometimes overflowing. And it's not because life is free of troubles, it's because I know that I'm not in the driver seat and that I'll be okay because God is the driver. It would be THE time to switch perspectives - with my husband of 22 years recuperating from a grueling seven-week cancer treatment for his throat cancer, and having a sister currently undergoing treatment for breast cancer and the other still not at the five-year mark, and all three of us having multiple sclerosis and . . . well, you get the idea. I could be switching to a more pessimistic attitude but it's not in me because I feel His prese...
Living a full life with a positive outlook and multiple sclerosis. And God!