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Showing posts from July, 2018

Pollyanna struggles

I don't have a huge following with this blog. So when three different people in three different situations on two different days say something like, "Have you written anything recently/miss reading your blog" - I take note. And I do the math, because we all know how much I adore math and just how good I am at math! So if three readers over two days say they miss reading my blog, and I have 17 followers and average readership of 223 per post with 71 posts, and a + b= c then ... heck, I don't know if there's an equation for it, but I do know there is a reason. At my very core, I am a positive person able to see the good in everything and everyone. But I have been struggling. I have been watching as kindness and civility have been eroding. Racism, misogyny, bigotry, fear and judgement have been taking hold and gaining strength. And I have tried to find my voice, tried to rekindle my spirit whilst fighting against the tsunami of greed crashing on and des...

The amazement of children

I am a kid magnet. Especially little ones in strollers, my fellow four-wheelers. They will look at me, then my 'stroller', then back at me. And I waste no time in striking up a discussion with these fellow captives of the four-wheel system that has us at the mercy of whomever may be pushing us around. For those that are verbal, I like to compare our 'strollers'. One such young man, at the March in D.C. pointed out that I had two really big wheels and two really small ones, but his transport's wheels were all the same size and then he counted (it was adorable watching him squirm around in the stroller to look at the wheels behind him!) eight wheels. "Pus," he lisped what I assume was 'plus', "I have a hood." He proudly grabbed the stroller canopy and pulled it forward and backward. Yep, he had a much superior ride and I told him so. Then he said, with not a hint of awkwardness, "You're big for a stroller." His mother was ab...