I don't have a huge following with this blog. So when three different people in three different situations on two different days say something like, "Have you written anything recently/miss reading your blog" - I take note. And I do the math, because we all know how much I adore math and just how good I am at math! So if three readers over two days say they miss reading my blog, and I have 17 followers and average readership of 223 per post with 71 posts, and a + b= c then ... heck, I don't know if there's an equation for it, but I do know there is a reason. At my very core, I am a positive person able to see the good in everything and everyone. But I have been struggling. I have been watching as kindness and civility have been eroding. Racism, misogyny, bigotry, fear and judgement have been taking hold and gaining strength. And I have tried to find my voice, tried to rekindle my spirit whilst fighting against the tsunami of greed crashing on and des...
Living a full life with a positive outlook and multiple sclerosis. And God!