I am about to sound like the perimenopausal, middle-age woman that I am but what is it with the droopy drawers on these teen boys? I remember when showing your 'wears' was an embarrassment! Boys didn't want the public at-large to know if they were wearing Tidy Whities or boxers. Now it seems to be a fashion statement. It is something that has bothered me for awhile but I had cause recently to be really bothered. There I was minding my own business waiting to pick up Delaney in front of the high school when two teens stopped in front of the van. The boy bent over to tie his shoe and gave me a full shot of his Jockeys. His pants were belted - BELTED - below his buttocks to keep them where they shouldn't be anyway. And he was worried about his untied shoe?? I thought, "Holy cow, dude, you got bigger problems than an untied shoe!" He stood, and get this, adjusted his pants and walked away- like a penguin he walked! And I was reminded of Dick VanDyke dancing w...
Living a full life with a positive outlook and multiple sclerosis. And God!