I don't know if you know this but I often think in terms of essays or blogs. An example might be that I am out at an event and something funny (it's almost always something funny that triggers this writing response) happens. In my mind, while I'm supposed to be 'in the moment', I am instead often putting together an essay or blog. Good thing that these don't often make it to print or the 'cloud'. Yet I cannot suppress the humor and joy of a morning spent with my dear friend Aimee who has had very little humor or joy in her life since last December. And it was all because of my keeps-me-on-my-toes puppy, Wally. Aimee has a Chiara Malformation which is a growth on the brain that for may patients goes either undiagnosed their entire lives or causes little problem. Not so for Aimee. Hers was discovered last November and while dealing with what she thought were migraines. The pain became so severe that she went to emergency room where a CT Scan revealed...
Living a full life with a positive outlook and multiple sclerosis. And God!