I drive a mini van. That is probably not a surprise seeing as I'm an overly involved mother of three. It's almost required - I mean imagine a farmer primarily driving a Smart Car or a Mini Cooper. Those vehicles would not be up to the jobs the farmer would need done, right? Now imagine an overly involved mother of three primarily driving a smart car or a mini - they're not up to the jobs I have needed done. I have been the car pool mom, field-trip mom, camp transportation mom, shuttle to-and-fro mom and assorted other 'moms' that required seating for seven. My van (or vans since I've had more than one) have held passengers singing songs by Pete Seeger, Barney, Raffi, Hilary Duff, 98 Degrees and many others. The van has seen Chinese fire drills, games of 20 questions, whispered secrets, giggles and many other games or sounds of children. Lately, all of that has changed - the songs are usually by bands I don't know with lyrics I don't occas...
Living a full life with a positive outlook and multiple sclerosis. And God!