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Showing posts from September, 2016

Not your average church lady

I spent this morning at Bible Study Fellowship where I'm a group leader. This afternoon, I spent 2 1/2 hours online shopping for supplies for a simulcast we are hosting at our church. More specifically, the simulcast is sponsored by our women's ministry - the ministry I volunteered to lead about a year ago. And then later this afternoon, I emailed & texted & called about a fundraising event our women's ministry is hosting in about 3 weeks. I had a conversation with our Pastor this evening. And just a short while ago, I worked on my Bsf lesson (while sipping my Cabernet). And it hit me - a comical thought if there ever was one ... I've become the church lady!! Now isn't that special! And crazy??!! The 20-something Kathleen Bowen is certainly rolling over in her boozy or hung-over stooper and saying something like "What? Are you crazy? I haven't been to church in a really long time!" And while I'm a long way from THAT 20-somethi...