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Showing posts from July, 2017

Have you ever ...

Have you ever binge-watched a show? I have and I blame Netflix. And quite possibly I need to find a 12-step program. And now when I there is a series on television that I get hooked on the seven days until the next episode are excruciating. And I'm grateful for the recaps because I almost forget what I watched.  This is the first summer that I've been forced to watch one of the binge-worthy series without one of the not-so-little Piggins. They're all adulting while clearly, I'm not! Last summer, Matthew and I watched Game of Thrones. (I abhor the violence and nudity but the story line is intriguing. Of course, I needed Matthew to remind me who was who and which kingdom was which.) We would hear John come home from work and we would quickly turn off the TV because we didn't want him to witness our pathetic bingeing (especially since he'd been adulting all day).  I have gotten John to join me, however, when we watched Homeland. It was a sad commentary that...

Down 24

My life has been a lot like this roller coaster. Not just ups and downs, but several twists and turns. Sometimes I am whooping for joy, hands in the air ready for the what lies ahead while at other times I can see a loop or drop coming and the dread is palatable, the nausea is real. And also like a roller coaster is my weight. I've never been svelte but I have been within the BMI range. I have also been overweight and more recently the scale put me in the obese category. And that should have scared me into action but instead I just made excuses or rationalizations like "It's because I use a wheelchair to get around," or "I'm sure once X happens I'll lose that weight," or (my favorite) "It's just water weight/constipation". (Like all I needed was one really good poop and I'd be at my target weight! No plunger in the world could have worked! Like comedian Ron White says 'Just one really good dump from a new pant si...