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Dick Clark

I know I don't look, or act, old enough but Dick Clark was a huge part of my childhood and adolescence. 

I watched American Bandstand on Saturdays throughout my school years. I loved to dance and I could watch and dance along with the 'really groovy' dancers on the Bandstand. It was my view into the latest music, dance moves, and fashion! I could see what the girls from the big city of Philly were wearing and try to adorn myself in something similar in the big suburbs. Next to Seventeen magazine, it was my best source for fashion!!

Now mind you this is 'back in the day' when most homes only had one TV. And I don't think ours was color until the mid-to-late 70s. So, I would have to announce to my four siblings that it was my turn for the TV at 12:30 when the Bandstand came on. You can imagine the number of times actually sibling warfare broke out - you know name-calling, pillows flying, arms flailing. Often times we'd end up laughing. And then later they might laugh at me when they watched my boogie to the Bandstand!

When I was in high school - I was huge- huge - into disco. I had the Candies (and now the bunions to prove it!) and the Danskin leotard/skirt to go to the discos. I even entered a couple contests with my buddy Jim Chouinard, who loved to dance but would still say that he thought 'disco sucked'. It may be one of those memories reinventing itself, but I think we won a contest or two. So when the Bee Gees made an appearance - I was beside myself to watch them sync to the songs from Saturday Night Fever and to see what the dancers would be wearing.

I learned all about lip-syncing from watching the bandstand. So I wasn't shocked in the 80s when Milli Vanilli was caught doing the lip-sync. Heck they probably got it from watching the bandstand! Only I think the acts on the Bandstand used their own voices for the sync.

All the while, throughout my youth, Dick Clark never seemed to age. It wasn't really until his stroke that you could see the years on his face. He always seemed so kind - to the musical guests and teens in the audience. One of my favorite times in the show was when Dick Clark would sit in the bleachers with the teens to 'talk' and then introduce the next act. He seemed genuine.

So, I was a little sad to hear of his passing. Though after seeing him this past New Year's Rocking Eve, I can say that he didn't look or seem well. Good bye, Dick and thank you for many Saturday's and the many memories bestowed.


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