I am not sure if its aging, the current state of chaos in the world or something more personal, but I have had a difficult time in the past couple years finding the positive in everything. It used to be my superpower. Hence the title of the blog, the glass is half-full.
Instead, I find myself struggling to find that positivity in all things. Its like my superpower has been voided by kryptonite or something sinister. And as its happened I've simply succumbed like a weak-assed ninny, laying down my the shield that protected my positive mindset and opening it up to the onslaught of skepticism and mistrust. The durability of my positive mindset was replaced with an attitude of 'oh what the hell-ism'. My desire to go out in the world and conquer all curmudgeons with my steadfast will to make them smile has been overcome by the that ever-forceful and evil lassitude.
While I've not reached that state of my glass being half empty, its more like the glass is half full-ish. You know its like, 'hey I can see a positive but who cares, it's not going to make any difference.'
Ugly truth. And I don't know how to reverse it, frankly.
I haven't been writing much and was inspired by my Aunt who told me that she now sits down daily and just writes. Lightbulb - I will start and maybe that voice, you know that one I've written in for years the one with a little wisdom, a little hope and a whole lot of snark, will come back. And when I can once again write with it, I'll be able to once again live with it. The writing will be the match to light that the flame.
So that will be my plan. Take a few moments every day to sit my ass down in front of my computer and write my way to a fuller glass and a fuller life.
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