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When it's time it's time

 When I was a child and someone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, the response varied greatly through the years. Having once wanting to be a nun (I can hear the guffaws and peels of laughter now!) to an attorney (I married one and birthed two instead) to being secretary of state (diplomacy was gift) to being an actress (still love a stage!) and to being a journalist (did the latter off and on). 

Not once would I have responded to being a mother or bookstore clerk or Weight Watcher coach - but those last three turned out to be my jam. Those last three are where I have found the greatest joy, had an impact and felt most comfortable. And yesterday, I had my last Weight Watcher's workshop saying goodbye to members and to coworkers that hold a special place in my heart. As a coach, I was honored to walk alongside members as they struggled with emotional issues and self doubts but also when they gained strength and control over life-long mindsets that were holding them back. A Weight Watcher workshop is not all about recipes!

I got to stand (or sit) in front of as many as 60 members at a time (amazingly I knew their names) and lead discussions about health related topics. I loved using humor to create a safe and engaging place, hugs and high fives to support individuals and occasionally some tough love to help someone see what they couldn't see. For thirty (if I was on schedule) to forty five minutes (most often the case!) I felt in my element and where I was meant to be.

As a coach, we often hear about the impact we have on the members we serve- helping them reach goals and overcome obstacles. But here's the kicker - as a coach the members have a huge impact on us as well, an indelible mark on my heart where they will be forever. I loved my time as a WW coach - I just wish it was a role I'd found sooner in my life so I could have had more time to be a WW coach.

But when it's time, it's time.

I have a beautiful grandson who I cannot wait to be with as often as the parents allow. And I have a wonderful  husband who retired two years ago that I will now have more freedom to join in last minute or planned excursions and adventures. My life will be full, I have no doubt.


  1. Love that you were a coach! Grandkids are the best, most of the time! 😂We currently babysit our 13 month old granddaughter on Mondays. Thankfully, for the most part, she is a good baby. The older 3 - almost 8, just 6, and almost 2 1/2 every other Tuesday. Those days are 10 hour days! The 2 older are homeschooled. I usually spend about 1 1/2 hours, on those days, doing some of that which mom sends! After being a Children’s Leader for BSF for about 8 years, I ended up not doing it this year. Time to focus on the grands! ENJOY that little guy! We are thankful ours live nearby!


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