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All in!

I'm especially good at finding lost or missing objects - a skill I attributed to my "ULD" (uterine locating device).

This includes my previously lost pounds always inevitably finding their way back to me. Damn them!

In an attempt to keep those pounds permanently lost, this time, I had approached my Weight Watchers experience as a lifestyle change instead of a diet. So this time instead of working hard to lose the weight, reaching goal, doing a happy dance, buying new clothes and celebrating the weight loss success by promptly going back to living and eating as I had before the diet and then wondering why the new clothes were getting tighter ( blaming the damn dryer, or cheap fabrics, or temporary water weight gain) - I decided instead to look at Weight Watchers as my own 12-step program. While I'm not a food addict, I don't always make good choices about food- I prefer asiago cheese bread and bagels to Tumaro wraps, and I prefer cheese on just about anything and being Irish I love spuds (they're a vegetable!), and who doesn't like alfredo or pesto sauce ... you get the picture. I've learned I can still love these things but just not as frequently or in the quantity I had been accustomed.

That decision had already been made when about three months ago, I was asked to think about working for Weight Watchers. Initially, I laughed. I mean I'm not a very good role model with my asiago cheese and spuds addiction and my inclination to lassitude over exercise and the fact that I've lost (and Found!) the same 35 pounds in my life and the fact that I'm mostly in a wheelchair ... and then it hit me - that's exactly why I should work with Weight Watchers! I mean who would you rather journey with through weight loss - someone who hasn't struggled and cannot relate or a real failure like me??? 

I have so many strikes against me for a weight loss home run. The number of times I've tried and tried and tried. The fact that I have M.S. and the limitations it can impose (fatigue, heat sensitivity, inability to walk without falling to name a few). The reality (I still try to deny) of my wheelchair. That I have a preference for cheese, spuds, bread, wine, pasta, chips, crackers,cheese, popcorn with lots o butter, cheesy popcorn, fried rice and of course cheese.

 So, I started with Weight Watchers as a meeting receptionist about a six weeks ago and in January I will begin training as a leader. I love it! I get to spend time with people (and I love people more than cheese!). I get to encourage and cheer-on (may not have been the high school cheerleader just the mascot but I get to cheer now!) people. I am surrounded by an infectious positivity and energy. And, this is the biggest bonus, I remain focused on making positive food and lifestyle choices. 

Did I mention, that I love it!

Weight Watchers - if I can, you can!


It's not a popularity contest, but ...

Ten Year

When I was in junior high school, I staged a sit-in and learned about 'ten year'. This will come as a total surprise to most of you readers - I was not a perfectly well behaved child. I know, I know - you're shocked, amazed, in wonder how I could have turned out to be so well-behaved despite the oats sown in my youth.  And the sit-in is a perfect example of how I marched to the beat of my own drummer. Miss Brown was an English teacher - and not a very popular one. She would invoke the yardstick on wayward student's hands and scowl the moment we walked into the classroom. We weren't very kind to Miss Brown but then she wasn't very kind to us, either. Personally, the hardest part of having Miss Brown as an English teacher is that she nearly ruined my love of my favorite topic in school. It was the year we were to learn grammar (have I ever mentioned that as a writer I detest grammar?). I think some new way of teaching English was introduced and in all l...

Blubbering Idiot

While doing crunches this morning, I turned on the TV to keep my mind off the exercise I was about to do and the movie "Gran Torino" was playing. It was nearly 3/4 of the way done. Perfect, I thought, I can watch the end of one of my newest favorite movies. Fifteen minutes later, I'm a puddle of tears on the floor. The end of that movie dissolves me to tears every time - and I think I've seen it now about six or seven times. When Clint Eastwood's character goes about his last day - including a lame confession with the priest - locking 'Toad' in the basement, I begin to get weepy. SCENE SPOILER ALERT ! But when he is shot down and is splayed as though crucified on the cross, I become a blubbering idiot. So much softness and sacrifice in one so tough and gruff - it highlights the intensity of his sacrifice for his new family next door. I only need watch the last few minutes of "Gran Torino" to get the full emotional effect. The same can be said...

Hair today gone tomorrow

Before you all begin to think I’m breezing completely through chemo, let me remind you of this:   For the most part I am bald. Or if not completely bald, fuzzy headed, and not in the way I think or am thinking, but in the appearance. A little like a hedgehog or a porcupine with bald patches. On Super Bowl Sunday while most of you were overeating or filling out those little squares to wager on the upcoming game, John and I were having a unique pre-game party. In front of our bathroom mirror with clippers and scissors. Preparing for the certainty of hair loss from my chemo, I decided to buzz my locks to lessen the shock and mess of of losing large chunks of my silver, shoulder-length hair. It was in all honesty one of the most poignant moments in our 30+  year marriage. I had originally asked my friend and former stylist if she could do it . But when I shared my plan with John, he said that he wanted to do it. Certainly that was not expected. So instead of watching th...