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Peter Pan

Year one
My son Matthew loved the story of and character Peter Pan so much as a creative 3 year old that he decided to be Peter Pan for Halloween and then became Peter for about 18 months. Seriously, 18 months.

It all started when a catalog with some really cool costumes came in the mail and we saw a nice Peter Pan costume. It was early October when it arrived in the mail and Matthew could not wait for Halloween so he could wear his costume since I told him he couldn't wear it until then. Halloween came and he wanted to put it on first thing - but this mean mom made him wait until the afternoon. 

When he put on the costume, he 'became' Peter Pan. He stood like Peter, with his hands on his hips, feet about shoulder width apart and a defiant look came upon his sweet cherubic face. Magic. The one thing he didn't like was that he didn't have a dagger that he could tuck in his belt. I cannot imagine what he'd have done if armed with a dagger!!

That night, he wanted to sleep in the costume but I wouldn't let him but the next day, he came downstairs dressed in his costume and when I asked him about it he said (with feet splayed and hands on hips) that he wanted to always wear it. At that time, I thought that meant occasionally and at home.

Well, thats certainly not what Matthew meant. He meant always as in always. At first we battled with him that when we went to the store or to the dcotros or to church, he would have to wear big boy clothes. When we were on our way to Grandma's for Thanksgiving, he wanted to wear the costume but we had purchased nice clothes for the holiday and we told him he had to wear those but "after awhile at Grandmas" he could change. You guessed it after less than hour, he came out of the guest room with his Peter Pan costume on and that's  how he spent the rest of the holiday.

Month after month, minor battles ensued until this battle-weary mom decided that this wasn't always an important battle and I begin to complain less when we'd got to Target or the grocery store with my son dressed in a green tunic and tights. (He never wore the hat after that first Halloween because it didn't fit well over all his curly hair). My memory isn't too clear on this, but I think I even let him go to church one Sunday because this battle-weary mom had likely done battle with one of the other two little Piggins and their dad wasn't home. Not sure, but it might have happened. After several months, the tights had holes but that didn't bother Matthew and the felt on the tunic became pilled and a little thin in spots.We did replace the tights once. I no longer even noticed the smiles and looks we'd get when we wouold be out-and-about in months long since October. I just got used to his wearing the costume! I figured that it was a phase and he'd grow out of it AND the costume. 

I figured wrong. While in the summer months, he might forgo the tights or wear his bathing suit all day, he would at some point go back to the tunic. I figured when the new catalog came in the mail, he'd select some other costume and we would be done with Peter. He would have grown up . . .

You guessed it, I once again figured wrong.
Year two

He again selected Peter Pan - and this time the costume came with a dagger (see it proudly worn on the belt)!  The dagger was used while play-fighting with his friend from across the street who dressed as batman but didn't cause any lasting damage. I believe he took that hat off right after the picture. Slowly that year, the costume was worn less and less until I realized with hardly any flourish that it had been weeks since he'd put it on. It was laying, discarded, on the floor of his bedroom. I felt a little sad actually. Because the boy that would never grow up, was indeed growing up. 

We talked about this last night and it brought tears to my eyes to hear Matthew retell the story and how much he remembered. And while he's a senior and will be heading off to college, I can still at times see in his eyes and stance that boy that was Peter Pan! Though now he never plays with daggers and hasn't worn a tunic or tights in years!!!


  1. I remember having to watch and rewatch...and rewatch...Peter Pan movie with Matthew when he was in that stage! He was a very serious little Peter Pan. Tell him that his Aunt Bonnie thinks he should get a Pan costume that fits and wear it this Halloween...for nostalgia purposes.




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