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Showing posts from February, 2016

Another one bites the dust!

I am elated to be sitting here, post-physical, done for another year!!  I love my doc - she's a friend that I enjoy talking with about nearly everything, but is there anything worse than a physical for women??? It starts with the dreaded scale (that's surely calibrated to add 10 pounds so that you focus on the stress of the number instead of whats to come) and then to the peeing in a cup (and you're to read the directions and do it correctly!).  Once you're dixie cup is put in the compartment you're led to an examination room and told to remove your clothing and dun a paper 'gown' opened in the front. I know these are surely shrinking because they just don't cover the way they used to and this can't have anything to do with the number on the scale!! Once on the examination table, you realize that your backside is uncovered and that once the door is opened it is certainly going to be the first thing the doc and all others in the hall will see. Bu...

Travelling while gimpy

It was more than a little ironic that I was reading Gloria Steinem's new book "My Life On the Road" while on our recent trip to California. It was a great book (highly recommend this book!) and was partially responsible for my renewed inspiration to get back to writing on a more regular basis! She wrote from a position of absolute humility and love of humanity that I wish to emulate in my writing. Anyway, the irony was that I'm reading about this independent woman's journeys and encounters while traveling as an independent woman that's become far more dependent on others and experiencing all kinds of encounters! Mostly good, of course - because I am, after all, still relatively Pollyanna-ish! First, when in a wheelchair and flying a whole world of people and service awaits. My first encounter was in the Grand Rapids airport where we were greeted at the Delta counter and told an escort was on the way. I didn't think it was necessary, but kept my mou...

How Running Makes You Pregnant

In my recent post entitled "Rockin' and Rollin' but mostly Rollin'", I referenced my previous attempts to be a runner. I did not go into detail, though I'm fairly certain a few of you went to YouTube to see if there were any comedy skits with a theme of 'knock-kneed runners', or 'funniest running styles' or 'people that should not be running'. I've not Googled it, mostly because I forget what I was supposed to be googling when I sit down at the computer. What got a few snickers from friends or quizzical looks from that post, was my reference to running making me pregnant. It's a quick story and has a happy ending (Delaney). About 20 years ago, (exactly 20 in fact since the aforementioned Delaney turned 19 in November) I decided to secretly train for the Old Kent Riverbank Run.( It's now called the Fifth Third.) I wasn't planning to run the whole, long gazillion mile race but was thinking the 5K or hopefully even shor...

Rockin' and Rollin', Mostly Rollin'

Emerson Marie and me. Taken last week at Chrissy Field in the Golden Gate Park I've written in the past about my travails with this damned MS - mostly about falling in very public places and trying to overcome the embarrassment of landing in full view of many and at awkward moments. I've written about trying to overcome my concern of 'what others think' and probably vowed a gazillion times to move on valiantly with my life with MS. I wrote about being 'too sexy for my cane' and then having to reluctantly move on using a walker for my primary mode of transportation. Well, today, I am without my cane and my walkers sit in storage! Not because I'm too sexy or I've gotten stronger and can now do marathons (even it I could, I wouldn't! I've never understood running unless it was running to a party or away from my past. I mean you're running, often in public, and getting all sweaty and parts are jiggling for all to see and I have knock knees s...