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Blubbering Idiot, Part 2

Wally and me watched 'Marley and Me' while I cried about Sandy and me.

Once again, I turned on the tv to keep me company while doing crunches and saw that it was the last fifteen minutes of Marley & Me. "Perfect," I thought. "It's been long enough since Sandy's passing that I should be able to watch this without falling to pieces."

Well, if ands and buts were candy and nuts . . . oops wrong saying. What I mean to write is that if I had to eat my words everytime I said something that was later proven to be false, I'd be a whole lot larger than I already am.

I fell to pieces within moments of watching. And dear, sweet, havoc-wreaker Wally just looked at the tv and then at me, cocked his head and began to lick away the tears. I'd like to think he was being kind but I think instead he liked the taste of the salty tears. He was curious when onscreen there was a full head-shot of Marley - again, he cocked his head and watched and them resumed licking my tears.

So now I'm sitting here with eyes swollen, cheeks blotchy and a post-cry headache. I will no longer (at least until the next time) watch a sad movie while doing crunches. Maybe I should just give up on the crunches!


  1. No, No crunches! Crying is good for you, me and everyone. Otherwise why would people and elephants cry when they are overwhelmed with emotions. How blessed you can feel so deeply for your beloved pet, husband, children, friends and relatives near and far!


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