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Look how far we've come

The recent shooting in Tuscon has the nation asking the question - has the political dialogue gone too far? 

Unless you've been completely isolated from the media and Internet, then you know the answer is a resounding YES! As a nation we seem to have lost the ability to tolerate divergent opinions. There is an attitude of "you're either with me or against me" - it appears to be all black and white. The party politics in Washington has been like a rapidly spreading virus leaving the Beltway and coming to cities and towns all across the nation. In the not so distant past, we could tolerate people that were more liberal or conservative than us. We might have intelligent conversations or even slightly heated debates. On the airwaves, we saw or heard news stories related to politics and on that rare occasion we would hear opinions. Remember the 60 Minutes segment where two individuals (I believe it was always the same man and woman) would each give their opinion on a particular topic? It spawned a parody on Saturday Night Live with Jane Curtin and Chevy Chase. 

Anyway, I digress. In more recent times, our 'news' is 24/7 - and there are more than 3 networks vying for our time and attention. In addition to the big three networks, we now have exclusive 'news' stations like FOX, MSNBC and CNN. There is a whole lot of time to fill and only so much real news with which to fill it - so we get a broad spectrum of 'news' shows all with a particular angle or bent. Sadly, we as a public have soaked up these 'news' shows and believe what is said as truth. While there may be kernels of truth in all that we hear, there is always more opinion than fact.

Way back in the day (don't I sound old now!) when I majored in journalism, the primary lesson learned in nearly every class was to be unbiased and to write from that point of view. We were taught that the reading or listening public should never be able to discern a writer's particular stance on any story's topic. It was challenging but it was doable. We were taught that there was the editorial page or, if on radio or TV time devoted to editorials that were clearly delineated from the news. I find it difficult to find the distinction on today's networks and cable stations.

The rhetoric has gone too far - and there is far too much of it.

These days when I watch morning news programs, I tune in to Morning Joe on MSNBC because there is always of round table of people with very different opinions on a variety of topics and they have civilized discussions. There are Republicans and Democrats talking - not shouting - and even more important, listening to one another. Refreshing.  I cannot watch Glenn Beck or Keith Olberman - they often seem to be espousing fact when there 'facts' were pulled from I don't know where. But they are popular - people watch and believe.

Many years ago when Rush Limbaugh was new to the airwaves I remember discussing with my husband that Rush was dangerous because he spoke eloquently and assertively about topics and often his 'facts' were wrong. If a caller pointed this out - he was shot down and often ridiculed. Well these days,  Rush is the template from which all others draw their broadcast creations. As we witnessed last Saturday in Tuscon, the result of these political diatribes is dangerous. We don't know for sure if the shooter was acting on some political agenda, but we are finally having discussions about controlling our messages and taming the violence in our debates.

We have 500 stations to watch with cable and satellite. We have as many to listen to with satellite radio. Look how far we've come. More importantly, look how far we have to go to, once again, to become a thinking, civilized humanity. We need to learn to once again delineate the news from the opinions. Our politicians need to once again learn to have respectful debates and quit toeing the party lines. And we need to focus on our common goals and not on our differences.

For our children and the next generation, we need to change the course of this country.


  1. A real distinction that can be made by viewers...if they would do that the 'old' media tv and radio outlets are regulated (not controlled...regulated) by the FCC. They are required to attempt to offer NEWS. That means they must report facts. Cable news is under no such regulation and can do what it chooses. This makes a real difference.

    Agree with the 'common goals'. I would add that we need to find and promote leaders...then reward them...for looking out for the COMMON GOOD...a lost concept with elected officials at state and federal level right now.

    We are talking about reversing a cultural direction that we have been going for some time. Difficult, complex, and even more challenging when we would all like to have SIMPLE answers.


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