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Values - pass it on.

If you have read my blog in the past or know me at all, you know that sports in general and football in particular are not one of my favorite things to watch. Unless of course, one of my sons is playing - then get out of my way as I cheer them on! It is with a lot of frustration that I have seen more televised football games in recent weeks than there are hairs on my head. Okay that might be a slight exaggeration - but only slight. So if you're like me, you have seen the plethora of commercials from the Foundation for a Better Life. They are wonderful, heartfelt little life snippets - and they all end with the tag line, "Values, pass it on."

Some of the most memorable are:
The girl with Downs syndrome that is crowned prom queen.

The skater 'dude' that is seen running through the alleys and streets with a woman's purse in his hands until he gets to the city bus where he gives the purse to a woman that is disembarking. He says, "You left this on the bench."

The boy that give his soap box derby car to a boy in a wheelchair.

The teacher that gives extra time to a student struggling to read.

There are so many - it's hard to recall them all. But you can see them at if you're so inclined.

The reason I'm blogging about these commercials and billboards is that it has bothered me that the messages in these ads are largely ones parents used to teach their children. You know the Golden Rule and manners and helping others - all lessons we learned growing up. It seems to me that as parents we can all do a better job of passing on good values - so that we have a polite and thoughtful next generation. I'm not overly impressed with the lack of manners or empathy displayed in the younger generation or, for that manner, some people of my generation. We are a ruder, less thoughtful society and that can be seen in the shows that we watch - all those reality shows that display the absolute worst in humanity and the programs that depict a poor image of families.

The lives of families are busier than ever - we cram so much into our days that there is little time for the 'luxury' of discussing values or manners. Heck, families hardly have dinner together anymore. I do know that a discussion of values by parents to their children would have a far greater impact than any television commercial could ever have. And maybe it doesn't have to be sitting down for a lengthy conversation about values - instead it could be pointing out a good deed observed or heard about. I do think it should be an ongoing dialogue - and one that parents have with their children.

Television is teaching far too much to the next generation - some of it good, but without the filter of a caring adult, I fear our children are getting the wrong messages. There is a lot of violence, sex and profanity - and that's just in Sesame Street!! (just kidding of course!) You know what I mean, though - the standards have declined and the time spent viewing has increased = the values as depicted on TV are picked up by the next generation. Maybe the Foundation for a Better Life should place commercials in some of the most violent, repulsive programs just to temper those programs impact. Just imagine watching Family Guy or South Park and having a commercial for the Foundation come on?!

My glass-half-full morsel out of all of this is that someone saw the need - a lack of values - and found the money and took the initiative to try to change the downward spiral. I've got to sign off now and go instill some 'getting -out- of -bed- before -noon' values to my college son home on break!


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