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Boston Beans

I have been to Boston two other times in my life. Both times, if my memory is correct, it was a bit like being a mouse in a maze. A maze directed by an evil scientist that kept changing the blockades and making this mouse change directions. So that by the time I reached the end and that much-sought after cheese, I was no longer hungry.

This time this mouse had GPS! Take that you evil scientist - or diabolical city planners!

It is still a chaotic mess and is not a place I would want to live, but I felt like I could manage the drive with fewer expletives. There were still some heated exchanges between John, the driver, and me the navigator but I imagine far fewer had we not had Garmin Gal leading us along. But GG only came in handy when we had an address and a plan. Not so on our way to see Paul Revere. I'm still not completely sure how we stumbled on North Church and the statue of Paul Revere - and that is indeed what happened. One minute, I was saying, "I have no idea what street we're on and where the . . ." and the next, "Wait, there's a statue and a bunch of people!"  (And lo and behold a parking space too!)

Because Boston is an old city - it's not necessarily the easiest to navigate by car let alone wheelchair or by using a cane. The sidewalks are uneven in most places and many places are not accessible at all. Got me wondering, what did a person that could not walk, do in those historic times? Perhaps, I don't really want to know the answer! But I went where I could and when I could - and especially enjoyed the North Church (still does not have electricity because the fire-codes won't permit it unless major renovations are done to the facility that could interfere with it's historic character!).

I know why the trolley/bus/Duck/boat tours are so popular, though. The drivers are professionals that know how to navigate and narrate at the same time. Now that takes talent!

Paul Revere, he's the one on the horse!
John and Delaney are discussing where he actually rode on that midnight ride. It's not on the GPS.


It's not a popularity contest, but ...

Ten Year

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Blubbering Idiot

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Hair today gone tomorrow

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