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Annoying Commercials, Robo Calls and Other Stories of Political Mayhem

The Do-Not-Call Registry was one of the best bits of usable legislation for the everyman. We could call this number or log on to a web site and register our phone numbers to take our names off the rolls for telemarketers. Suddenly, it seemed, the dinner hour could be enjoyed without continual phone interruptions. Of course, the legislators that adopted the registry created exclusions - including one for themselves. They deemed their messages exceptional and vitally important enough to exclude their own robo calls. I know we have received at least three a day for the past week and I don't know how many prior to that . . . it doesn't help that we're a divided household with one registered Democrat and one misguided registered Republican. And now we have Michael - I don't know how or even if he declared a party affiliation!

When I worked in broadcast advertising - way 'back in the day' - the political commercials were originally a boon for us sales reps. We were guaranteed a sizable commission for doing little work - just essentially booking the ads and then booking more ads. December's commission check was always good for Christmas shopping - that is until the legislators created laws about political ads that ensured the lowest rates. It worked something like this - the candidates would receive the lowest rate ever booked for a particular time slot. For example, if a 30-second commercial cost $1000 on the rate card, but another advertiser had booked the spot for $500 because of a long-term contract or other factor, the candidates would be guaranteed the $500. What made it even worse was that these spots could pre-empt or take a higher priority over the $1000 ads because they were political ads.

These two bits of legislation were adopted by the very people we voted into office - they are 'exceptional people'! I do recall some hullabaloo about it being in the voter's best interest because we would then have access to all the information we need to be a wise and informed electorate.

I don't know about you, but this past election cycle the commercials, calls and ads did little to inform me about what were particular candidates' position on major issues. Instead, I was fed a lot about their opponents beliefs or positions on issues that often had nothing to do with the office they for which they were running.

It got me thinking (always a dangerous thing!) that we are slowly and surely being surely led to even worse political mayhem. We are no longer passively informed by our television or radio commercials. Nor are we the beneficiaries of fair and objective reporting by the media - but that's a blog for another day. Unless we take an active part in our own political education and delve into the candidates backgrounds and positions we are left with the impression that the candidates opponents want us to have.

I know that I am supposed to be a Pollyanna - the glass is half full and all that - but when it comes to the current state of our State/Country, I am anything but hopeful. I am befuddled. I am discouraged. I am weary. But I am not staying home, I am voting and will continue to vote. However, I believe there needs to be a wholesale change in the system because it is broken - but the very people we elect are the ones creating the laws that help to break the system. What are we going to do????


It's not a popularity contest, but ...

When an ass is so much more

  Body image. Body positivity.  Or about coming to an appreciation for a previously much maligned back end.  In junior high (that's middle school for all of you non boomers), I was given the nickname "big butt Bowen". It was a nickname that stung because I did indeed have a large ass. I tried to mask it, a difficult endeavor since the current fashion (and remember this is junior high when fitting in was paramount) was wearing hip hugger jeans with midriff tops and my disguise of choice were peasant blouses or dresses. That style choice earned an additional nickname, Mama Cass. For those of you that don't know who Mama Cass was, she was part of the Mamas and Papas and known for her beautiful voice but also for her large body.  All about Mama Cass I was cruelly nicknamed at a time when nicknames can really mess with a girl's psyche. And I spent a lifetime as that girl with the messed up psyche. I'm sure there are more than one of you out there that can relate. B

Peter Pan no more

                          It's time. Peter Pan had to grow up.  For nearly 18 months of his life, Matthew dressed in this costume. In this picture it's new, just out of the box. He picked the costume out of a catalog and when it arrived, two weeks prior to Halloween, he asked daily if today was the day he could finally wear his Peter Pan costume. He didn't like the hat and only wore it on Halloween, but the rest of the costume he wore daily! You read that correctly - DAILY. He wore it to Meijer (for those of you unfamiliar with Meijer, it's a cleaner, friendlier, more 'upscale' version of WalMart), to church, to play dates and preschool ... Heck, he was three and adorable and it worked for him!  (Yes you read that correctly, he even wore it to church on one or two occasions when it seemed arguing with a three year old about not wearing a costume to church was not a battle worth waging. He once mentioned the priests wore dresses . . . I don't think Joh

Cabin fever made me do it!

Like nearly ever person in West Michigan, I have a serious case of cabin fever.  I won't waste your time however, complaining about the two-hundred feet of snow that's fallen in the last two hours. I won't share about the twenty or thirty times I've had to shovel my walk today as gusts blew it right back in my face. And I certainly will not lament about the temperatures that hover around negative double digits making your nostrils freeze together within moments of stepping outside. To bore you with tales of how we have to shovel areas in our yard so that our large dog and can do his 'duty' because the snow is deeper than he is tall and dogs for whatever reason cannot poop in the same place twice, is not what I will share. You will not hear about how when I open the slider to let aforementioned dog outside, gusts of wind blow drifts of snow inside and require a shovel to once again close the door.  Nor will I share how some roads around here are drifted shut be