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Annoying Commercials, Robo Calls and Other Stories of Political Mayhem

The Do-Not-Call Registry was one of the best bits of usable legislation for the everyman. We could call this number or log on to a web site and register our phone numbers to take our names off the rolls for telemarketers. Suddenly, it seemed, the dinner hour could be enjoyed without continual phone interruptions. Of course, the legislators that adopted the registry created exclusions - including one for themselves. They deemed their messages exceptional and vitally important enough to exclude their own robo calls. I know we have received at least three a day for the past week and I don't know how many prior to that . . . it doesn't help that we're a divided household with one registered Democrat and one misguided registered Republican. And now we have Michael - I don't know how or even if he declared a party affiliation!

When I worked in broadcast advertising - way 'back in the day' - the political commercials were originally a boon for us sales reps. We were guaranteed a sizable commission for doing little work - just essentially booking the ads and then booking more ads. December's commission check was always good for Christmas shopping - that is until the legislators created laws about political ads that ensured the lowest rates. It worked something like this - the candidates would receive the lowest rate ever booked for a particular time slot. For example, if a 30-second commercial cost $1000 on the rate card, but another advertiser had booked the spot for $500 because of a long-term contract or other factor, the candidates would be guaranteed the $500. What made it even worse was that these spots could pre-empt or take a higher priority over the $1000 ads because they were political ads.

These two bits of legislation were adopted by the very people we voted into office - they are 'exceptional people'! I do recall some hullabaloo about it being in the voter's best interest because we would then have access to all the information we need to be a wise and informed electorate.

I don't know about you, but this past election cycle the commercials, calls and ads did little to inform me about what were particular candidates' position on major issues. Instead, I was fed a lot about their opponents beliefs or positions on issues that often had nothing to do with the office they for which they were running.

It got me thinking (always a dangerous thing!) that we are slowly and surely being surely led to even worse political mayhem. We are no longer passively informed by our television or radio commercials. Nor are we the beneficiaries of fair and objective reporting by the media - but that's a blog for another day. Unless we take an active part in our own political education and delve into the candidates backgrounds and positions we are left with the impression that the candidates opponents want us to have.

I know that I am supposed to be a Pollyanna - the glass is half full and all that - but when it comes to the current state of our State/Country, I am anything but hopeful. I am befuddled. I am discouraged. I am weary. But I am not staying home, I am voting and will continue to vote. However, I believe there needs to be a wholesale change in the system because it is broken - but the very people we elect are the ones creating the laws that help to break the system. What are we going to do????


It's not a popularity contest, but ...

Ten Year

When I was in junior high school, I staged a sit-in and learned about 'ten year'. This will come as a total surprise to most of you readers - I was not a perfectly well behaved child. I know, I know - you're shocked, amazed, in wonder how I could have turned out to be so well-behaved despite the oats sown in my youth.  And the sit-in is a perfect example of how I marched to the beat of my own drummer. Miss Brown was an English teacher - and not a very popular one. She would invoke the yardstick on wayward student's hands and scowl the moment we walked into the classroom. We weren't very kind to Miss Brown but then she wasn't very kind to us, either. Personally, the hardest part of having Miss Brown as an English teacher is that she nearly ruined my love of my favorite topic in school. It was the year we were to learn grammar (have I ever mentioned that as a writer I detest grammar?). I think some new way of teaching English was introduced and in all l...

Blubbering Idiot

While doing crunches this morning, I turned on the TV to keep my mind off the exercise I was about to do and the movie "Gran Torino" was playing. It was nearly 3/4 of the way done. Perfect, I thought, I can watch the end of one of my newest favorite movies. Fifteen minutes later, I'm a puddle of tears on the floor. The end of that movie dissolves me to tears every time - and I think I've seen it now about six or seven times. When Clint Eastwood's character goes about his last day - including a lame confession with the priest - locking 'Toad' in the basement, I begin to get weepy. SCENE SPOILER ALERT ! But when he is shot down and is splayed as though crucified on the cross, I become a blubbering idiot. So much softness and sacrifice in one so tough and gruff - it highlights the intensity of his sacrifice for his new family next door. I only need watch the last few minutes of "Gran Torino" to get the full emotional effect. The same can be said...

Hair today gone tomorrow

Before you all begin to think I’m breezing completely through chemo, let me remind you of this:   For the most part I am bald. Or if not completely bald, fuzzy headed, and not in the way I think or am thinking, but in the appearance. A little like a hedgehog or a porcupine with bald patches. On Super Bowl Sunday while most of you were overeating or filling out those little squares to wager on the upcoming game, John and I were having a unique pre-game party. In front of our bathroom mirror with clippers and scissors. Preparing for the certainty of hair loss from my chemo, I decided to buzz my locks to lessen the shock and mess of of losing large chunks of my silver, shoulder-length hair. It was in all honesty one of the most poignant moments in our 30+  year marriage. I had originally asked my friend and former stylist if she could do it . But when I shared my plan with John, he said that he wanted to do it. Certainly that was not expected. So instead of watching th...