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The Road to the Final Four . . .

It's our own March Madness right here in Saugatuck - but it's happening in November. Should we call it November Delight??

I cannot help, throughout this past month, thinking of the movie "Hoosiers". The basketball team depicted in the movie was an underdog from a small town who got to play in the state championship in the big house. On the way to many of their games, the team bus was followed by a plethora of fan cars driving through the rural areas and small towns of Indiana. As the victories mounted, the number of cars increased. This was a team that was loved by its town.

All of you Saugatuckians - does that ring true or what??? We have driven through many a small town and rural farm land on our way to playoff games against St. Joseph, North Adams and Climax Scotts - and even in the regular season to teams like Bloomingdale and Lawton. At each playoff game, the number of cars driving these rural routes has increased and our stands, the visitor stands, have always been full. Often outnumbering the 'home' team.

I don't know if they keep stats of attendance at these playoff games, but yesterday's game Saugatuck easily outnumbered Fulton by double. There were men and women in Saugatuck letter jackets from many years past - how cool was that! And people came to see the Indians from distances across the state!

After each victory, there has been a moment or two of stunned disbelief. As though we're thinking, "Did we really just win conference/district/region?" The euphoria on the faces of the fans, however, does not come close to the euphoria of the players!!!! At games' end, they're elation is unparalleled! And there have been tears of joy - mostly from the parents, but also the players; each victory is a little more surreal and a little sweeter.

We played St. Joseph Catholic at Waterviliet - since the St. Joseph field was under construction or something. We drove the back roads to get to the stadium that was full of Saugatuck fans. The band, in full uniform, arrived and played our way to victory. We weren't projected to win. But we did!

Climax Scotts was an hour and half away and we drove through some back roads to a stadium with small visitor stands full to the brim with Saugatuck fans. More than before at Waterviliet.

On the way to North Adams, which was truly in the middle of nowhere it seemed, there were signs of support for their team. They dotted the road leading to the stadium (I use that term loosely here) and apparently the team bus was greeted by taunts and jeers as they drove through downtown (again a term used loosely here). The Saugatuck fans kept coming and we doubled- maybe even tripled - the number of home team fans. We love our Indians.

Yesterday's state semi-final was beyond imagination. The cars, the fans, the spirit for this team that is truly a Cinderella story. They have won not only more games but fans along the way!

After each victory, the team bus has been greeted by the town's firetrucks and police cars and lead through both Douglas and Saugatuck on a late-night parade. Many cars followed along, honking horns and cheering for our Indians. And Friday night prior to the big semi-final, the town held a parade. In this town that loves parades, it was the biggest yet and included floats and decorated vehicles. And the band that has come to each of the games.

This road to the final four may be reminiscent of "Hoosiers", but it feels a whole lot bigger. Could be because I am intimately involved in this tale - with #53 Matthew Piggins on the field playing his heart out!

And now the Final Four is down to two - these record-blowing, dream-creating Indians against Mt. Pleasant Catholic Central. I know the pundits will write that we are outmatched - they've done it before in fact for each of previous playoff games - since Mt. Pleasant is undefeated. But I think these young men will once again play a good game with their hearts of gold and unmatched tenacity.

The story is still be written. And I am proud to be part of it - and even more proud of my not-so-little Indian, Matthew.


It's not a popularity contest, but ...

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